Mar 7, 2008

bull sacrifice and traditional dancers

warning - graphic images ahead.

yesterday was an awesome day. we had the road dedication out near the start of the proposed roadway and there was a short, but really cool ceremony. as we were waiting for the prez of s.sudan to show up, we found out he doesn't like to sit in a normal chair and we better go get a couch. so people were on the radios and cell phones trying to get a couch out there ASAP. suddenly the prez motorcade comes speeding up to the site...police sirens, tinted windowed land cruisers, guys jumping out with automatic weapons, pickup trucks with big guns sticking out everywhere...the whole place was crawling with military folks.

suddenly one of our guys waved me over and said, 'matt, i need your knife'. i told him that although it was a gerber, i didn't think it was the best option for what he had in mind. 'dude, we need a knife to kill the bull. i gave him my knife but then a 'traditional' knife appeared. after a little talk by those giving the big dollars for the project, a bull was dragged out on to the road, hogged tied, and its throat slit. this is suppose to be 'bless' the road or something like bull was being sacrificed - having its throat slit from ear to ear and blood was gushing all over the place, the prez was getting back into his motorcade and swiftly whisked away.

then the traditional dancer appeared and did their thing to the sounds of beating drums.

hmmm....i could go for a t-bone steak right about now!!

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