Mar 25, 2008


i finally watch 'into the wild' - the movie that was made after the book with same title written by Jon Krakauer. i had read the book last year and i could really relate to the main character. he was a quite a bit more extreme than i could have ever been - burning all his money and trekking off to alaska, but there was that restlessness that he possessed that has plagued me as long as i can remember (although since moving out here, has mysteriously subsided). there's always a drive to distance oneself and refuse to conform to status quo, to turn ones back on the self-centered expectations of society, and to be the one who authors the story of your life. to escape the confining walls of sterility, predictability, and false freedoms and security that apparent stability tempts us with.

check out the soundtrack - great album with diverse musical styles and passionate vocals. i never listened to eddie vedder much in the past, but this album has reach continual repeat on my ipod.

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