the 300 kilometer drive to maridi takes about 7 to 8 hours on pot holed ridden dirt roads, pounding and abusing the body the entire time. further west one drives from juba, the greener and more lush the scenery becomes. with the rattling and jarring of the vehicle, one is lost deep in thought staring out the passing trees, crops lands, and mud hut villages; a world very distant from where i was one week ago, yet a place that seems all too familiar.

maridi is a town of about 30,000 or so are the guesstimates and we are implementing a power generation and distribution system; setting up an electrical system and training folks to take over and run it. we got there late afternoon, toured the compound and project progress and then drove along the proposed alignment of where the electrical lines will go. There is little to show for at this time, but the plan is for the entire system to be up and running by the end of the year. ambitious? probably.

best available accommodation in maridi.

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