At the pyramids in Meroe.

Took a trip to the pyramids at Meroe, located north of Khartoum along River Nile. This is the site of the Kingdom of Meroe dating back to around 500-300B.C. The kingdom lasted about 600 years before Axum (from Ethiopia) took over. You may notice one of the paintings in the Gebel Barkal temple has Coptic influence (hence Ethiopian). Most of the pyramids have been destroyed by explorers in search of treasure.

If you plan to do this trip out of Khartoum, make sure to get a travel permit and photography permit that specifically states the area you plan to take pictures and travel to. We were asked for this document several times throughout the trip, including several check points. Also bring your passport with the proper visa and permit sticker. Fortunately we had all with us and avoided any headaches.

The tomb of El-Kurru.

Image of god, king, and god.

Stopping to enjoy the scenery on the way back to town.
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