Jan 29, 2012

dry season...searching for greener pastures

 along the road toward Map#er, a large herd was on the move in search of grazing land.  the dry season has turned the tall grass brown, the air is full of brush fires as herders light fire to sections of grass to burn resulting in small shoots of green grass.  the cattle camps are now located deep in the bush, far from the road.  eventually encroaching on another tribes grazing land. 

in Lake State, the guns have been replaced with spears, at least a significant number of guns were confiscated.  of course there remain many who hid their AKs, the unbalanced part of the equation is that there was not an extensive disarmament in Unity (at least in Southern Unity) which borders Lakes.  we'll be driving though this are in the coming days so will see if there is evidence of this.  but if there are clashes it would appear that one side is at a disadvantage...which may reduce the number of clashes?  one would think....
today was just a short trip to check out a new project site and prepare for the first phase.  the road is decent marum all the way from Rumbe#k and makes for a quick day trip.  tomorrow we go to amok#piny which is about 3 hour drive from Rumbe#k. 

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