Jan 22, 2008


i am by no means an expert in this field, but there are several demining techniques. as you well know, mines a nasty little things that angry people bury so that other people, often referred to as the enemy, will step on. but all too often these little booby-trap de-leggers are forgotten and innocent people, farming the land or chasing a goat, steps on it. once stepped on and the pressure is released, there is a detonation or a little blast that takes off the legs of the poor fellow who stepped on it.

to find these menacing de-leggers, there are machines and metal detectors that are used. some are as small as a backhoe, armored with the tools needed to search the ground for mines. there are also armored and heavily reinforced graders (construction machine used to push dirt) that are used in heavily mined areas. another de-mining technique being used out here is a dog - and apparently has become one of the most effective ways of finding mines. the dogs great sense of smell guides him/her to the scent of explosives and then a person will destroy it.

the ancient technique no longer being used was to...close your eyes, cover your ears and start stomping on the ground.


Daniel said...

thanks for that, Matt... I've never encountered a mine and wondered how they did it.

ngolo said...

i asked a 'specialist' prior to coming out here, a little background on mines and he basically said you are toast. don't walk off the roads!!