Jan 25, 2008


if one word best describes one's required attitude in africa, it is patience. one in confronted daily with inefficiencies, different methodologies, and different cultural norms which require you to be open minded and patient. case in point - my daily drive to the work site requires a dosage of patience as the driver slowly maneuvers over these horrible roads. driving in africa requires one to be an offensive driver...you need to drive with a purpose and destination in mind - this is especially true in cities with paved roads, where you need to fill the void in front of you otherwise someone else will. here it just takes time.

"patience is a virtue, but she won't always wait..."

on a side note, yesterday after work i was driving the hilux to the UN compound where we go running and there was a mother duck and ducklings in the middle of the road. they didn't move as i approached them nor after i hit the horn, so i drove over them and flattened them all!! just kidding. they were just chilling in the road, so the guy in shotgun got out and gently chased them to safety. i thought i would add this to show that we are really out here to help the people of southern sudan. we are here because we care. these little ducklings are an important future meal for some family.

"forever is a mountain we've yet to climb
tears are a part of what is yet to leave behind
strength in numbers all you need is two
everyones a winner yet still so many lose
the volume of emotion erupting in our soul
a quiet revelation quickly takes a hold
patience is a virtue but she wont always wait
dissension is the tension its what we've learned to hate..."
from king's x

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