so far, the best place we've found for lunch is a little restaurant called Asmara. it's off the paved road on the way to the airport and offers a few habesha (Ethiopian) dishes. they are all very good and it also is the only place we've found that offers a greens (vegetable) dish. and for only 10 SDG for a meal (less than $5) you can get a very tasty meal. the staff is nice, although there is that language barrier, so maybe they are saying mean things about me. a few armarhic words have got me a long way and they consider me one of them. it's amazing what mileage you make out of "hello", "thank you" and "tastes very good". the smile on the face of the cook, the surprised expression on the waiter - who exclaims "you speak amarhic". that happens in arabic all the time - just by going through the greeting, they say in surprise "you speak arabic!". unfortunately, that was all of it...
it's good enough to break the ice and jump the hurdle of an indifferent foreigner, to someone who has made some attempt to communicate in their own language.

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