Jun 22, 2010

out of juba

Sitting in the crowded Juba airport, a resonating boom of thunder echoes through the building. The light flicker and the rain hits hard; drops of water soon pass through the ceiling and drip on the waiting passengers below. Outside the morning sky has turned dark; rain clouds rolling over. The lights go out. Minimal concern surfaces, these are usually short storms with little impact to airplane delay and no one ever relies on the power. I’m waiting for the Kenya Airway (KQ) flight to take me to Nairobi. After the long wait, there is indication that it is time to board the KQ flight and a sudden stampede ensues to the departure door.

Once passed the screening table, one is required to walk across the tarmac to the plane. As I’m standing outside the airport I look around the tarmac and don’t see the KQ plane. Walking towards the other planes parked in front of the airport, I figure the plane might be parked further away. There isn’t a steady line of passengers so no clear indication of where the critical mass is walking and boarding the KQ flight. There are a few ‘security’ people milling around, a few UN people walking to their private plane. As I’m walking on the tarmac, I still don’t see the plane; there are several other planes parked and one is starting its engines and that is when I notice my plane is hidden behind another one. I round the rear of the plane that is firing up its engines and approach the KQ plane. The metal staircase is parked in a big puddle and people are trying their best to board without soaking their shoes. I jump on staircase and climb the stairs. (from june 17)

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