Jan 27, 2008

rock city

today is sunday, the only day we have off from work during the week. it's the only day when the past week's tensions and irritations can be washed away so you can start somewhat fresh the next day. here are some shots from a hike up some rocks outside of juba.

at the base of the climb there is a rock and aggregate quarry. here people work in the heat of the day with a hammer and chisel, chipping away small pieces of aggregate that can be used in construction. i can't imagine what it is like to have this as your lively hood - such back breaking labor under the fierce sun.

on the way out we ran into some remanents of the war - a destroyed tank. we figured it was a german tank based on a metal lable tagged on a chunk of metal. this one appeared to be on the losing end of the battle as part of the metal pieces were full of bullet holes.

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